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Home > Septic Tank Design – Finding a Location

Part of a proper septic tank design plan is finding a site for the septic tank to sit. While this is often overlooked, the failure to find the right site will make it impossible for the system to work properly. Take a look at what goes into finding the right site. Then, you will be close to having a septic tank design plan in place.

Septic Tank Design – Finding a Location

  • Septic Tank Design – Finding a LocationProximity to Water- Your septic tank’s proximity to water is very important. You need to keep it a safe distance from drinking water, or you could contaminate your water supply. Generally, it should be at least 75 feet from your source of drinking water. In addition, it needs to be at least 75 feet from natural water sources and 2-10 feet from all of your water lines.
  • Proximity to Trees- Trees and shrubs can damage your septic tank. That’s why a good septic tank design plan places the septic tank away from trees and shrubbery.
  • Open Space- You also need to choose a space that is open, so you can expand the drain field if you need to after your septic system is installed. You might add to your family and have to expand it at some point, and you don’t want to have to move your septic tank or completely redesign your system because of it.

When you choose our team at Southern Water and Soil for your septic tank design needs, you don’t have to worry about a thing. We take care of it all for you, so all of your design needs are met.