Are you currently considering options for your commercial septic drain field? Your decision should be based mostly on two factors. The first thing to consider when you are looking at drain field options is size. The size of your drain field is based largely on the type of industry it will serve and the average wastewater consumption that will occur. To help us estimate this usage, we typically categorize industries into three types of businesses:
- Commercial (restaurants, shopping centers, hotels, etc.)
- Institutional (hospitals, office buildings, schools, etc.)
- Recreational (theaters, gyms, etc.)
Once we have determined an adequate size for your commercial septic drain field, it will help you decide what type of system you want. The most common choice is a traditional drain field with soil over top of conventional gravel filtering. However, at Southern Water and Soil, we also offer alternative drain field options:
- Gravelless Systems-these are cost effective, easy to maintain, and easy on soil
- Chamber Systems-these systems are easy to install and as a result do little damage to your landscaping
At Southern Water and Soil, we strive to educate our customers. We have a highly experienced team that will guide you through any decisions that need to be made. We are committed to protecting Florida’s waters and will help you find the most cost-effective and environmentally safe solutions as you consider your drain field options. Call us today to schedule a consultation with one of our team members.