Cost Effective, Environmentally Friendly, Reliable and Proven Wastewater Collection, Treatment, and Reuse for Communities
Cluster Wastewater Treatment Systems are being touted as solutions for many communities. The benefits of clustering homes together is numerous: Open areas are preserved for community use (i.e., farming, soccer fields, community recreation parks, hiking trails, equestrian trails, etc.), stormwater production is reduced, cost of development is reduced, nutrients can be more readily reduced, etc.
When wastewater is clustered together it becomes more economically feasible to treat unwanted constituents from the wastewater. Clustered treatment promotes performance reliability and management of nutrient (i.e., Nitrogen species, phosphorus, etc.) reduction. Treatment in general is more economical due to blending effects and having treatment in fewer locations. Instead of having a treatment module at every home the treatment is spread throughout the community into clusters. Having an aeration module to maintain at every home becomes a daunting task for a utility or responsible maintenance entity (RME). The clustering of treatment throughout the community is ideal for the utility or RME for ease of access, maintenance, maintenance frequency, water quality testing, etc.
Southern Water Solution’s Wastewater Treatment Systems treat the wastewater to better than secondary treatment standards; however, if more stringent requirements are required within a community then additional treatment can be cost effectively done through clustering. When additional costs are of a concern then cost recoveries can be examined. The added expense of additional treatment requirements can be recovered with an increase in lot density of 10-20%, consequently, neutralizing the additional cost to individual homeowners within the community cluster system.
Benefits of SWS’s Treatment Systems
The use of a textile based treatment system allows the treatment of wastewater in a relatively compact area. This is beneficial for the aesthetics of the community. Here are some benefits of using textile treatment systems.
- Does not produce foul odors
- No noisy blowers
- Does not require extended aeration
- Media does not degrade over time like other media
- Media does not have to be replaced
- Requires up to 95% less energy
- Decreases bio-solids production by up to 90% (no sludge)
- Compact and modular for easy expansion
- Performs in storms, power outages, etc.
- Significant reduction in operation and maintenance costs
- Virtual elimination of long term repair and replacement that is typical of conventional systems
- Encourages and accommodates reuse within the immediate community
- Promotes sustainable development
- Great for communities, small cities, rural enclaves, agricultural clusters, and commercial development
SWS’s collection and treatment systems are permitted through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection and the Florida Department of Health. Please call SWS at 813-785-0500 for design assistance or to schedule a presentation. You can also contact us for information.