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Tired of Feeling Mystified with Your Septic System?

We Can Help You Understand Your Options!

Contact Our Septic Diagnostic Specialists!

Septic tank alarm going off? Drain field not operating properly? Lift station not working? Make us your first call!

We can conduct a comprehensive analysis of what your operations are based on your specific septic system. We also offer a competitive diagnostic rate, so contact us today!

Here’s what you need to know about our septic diagnostic appointments:


We have a deep understanding of all things septic, including how they operate and the health department’s requirements.


We avoid looking at septic system issues as cookie cutter problems, so that we can offer you expert advice on septic system maintenance, repair, and overall system health.


Our diagnostic fee is just $199 for all residential systems in our area.

“Greg came out and looked at my system. SWS gave me all the the options. These guys are the real deal!”

– Erica S.

Contact Us to Set Up an Appointment

Once you set up an appointment, one of our experts will come and take a look and let you know how to get your septic system back on track. Contact us now to book your appointment!

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